Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Why Read Just One Book?

Hi guys,
  It's Wednesday, Happy Hump Day! I hope everyone is having a good week so far. My week is going well despite a few things that are upsetting me. After yesterday's post about the Voynich manuscript I'm  back to talking about books. To be exact, the subject of reading more than one book at once.
  I have been known to read multiple books at once almost all the time. I've been doing this since the third grade so it's nothing new. When I was in school I had to read multiple books at once because I usually had a book or two for class and a book or two at home for my own pleasure. If you think that sounds hard to deal with, you're wrong. I have a knack for remembering the plotline for each book I'm reading, and I have the ability to come back to a book months later and remember exactly where I left off.

  I'm not sure if this is a common talent among readers but I've never questioned my ability to read multiple books at once. All throughout school I had the excuse that I didn't just want to read books I was assigned but also books I chose for my own enjoyment. Right now I'm not in school so what's my excuse? Technically I have no real reason for still reading multiple books at once but I just can't help myself.
  I finally figured out the reason I continue to do this. I have this strong desire to read every book I can. If I could I would read every book at once. (If I had photographic memory maybe this would work). Not a day has gone by when I'm not thinking of the next book I want to read. I have at least 4 different to-read lists yet I still search for new books to read. It is most certainly an obsession, and one I'm not willing to give up.

  If I didn't have books to fill my time I'm sure I would find other things to do but it wouldn't be the same. Maybe that's another reason I continue to read multiple books at once. I can't imagine doing anything else with my free time. Now I'm off to go read 1 of the 3 books I'm currently reading, and who knows, maybe I'll even pick a 4th book to read.
  Have a great day everyone! Thanks for reading!
                                            Erin a.k.a. Bookworm

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