Monday, March 3, 2014

Time To Work On My Short Story

Hey guys,
  I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was better than expected. Sorry for not posting on Friday, I was feeling extremely lazy. (I know, it's not a good excuse). I hate to do this to you guys but I'm taking a break from my blog this week to work on some other writing I'm doing. I'll be sure to share some of it with you next week. I'm off to go work on my short story. Have a great week everyone!

                                        Erin a.k.a. Bookworm

Thursday, February 27, 2014

It's Not An Obsession, It's A Lifestyle

Hi guys,
  I hope you're all having a great day. I've spent the day reading and relaxing. I finally made a trip to the library on Monday so I'm all stocked up on books. If there's going to be another snowstorm like they're predicting for Sunday then I definitely want to have plenty of books to read. (Although I would rather just have spring weather right now).
  Everyone obviously knows I'm a huge bookworm and one of the things bookworms do best is collect books. I'm no different from any other bookworms in this aspect. I buy books anywhere: online, bookstores, and basically any place they're available. This doesn't mean I buy just any books though. Years of buying books and reading have taught me to pick and choose which books I really want to own.

  I've learned which books I would rather just borrow from a friend or check out from the library and I've learned which books I absolutely have to own. The past few years I've begun getting rid of many of my teen novels. This is not because I don't enjoy them but because I don't like them enough to re-read them. I still read many teen novels but I don't see the need to own them if I don't feel the absolute need to buy them. I've kept a select few teen books that I love and want to share with my niece (or my own children) someday. I also have some children's books I've kept because I can't possibly get rid of every book from my childhood.
  I now own more adult novels and non-fiction books than teen/children's books. These include poetry collections, dictionaries (I'm not talking about regular dictionaries though), travel guides, history books, fictional books, and lots of classic novels. Among these are books I've acquired from my grandma and books given to me as gifts. What I really want to explain though is my method for buying books, because I don't just buy any book I think sounds good.

  I read so often that I'm never without a book and I constantly look for new books. The decision to buy a book is really quite simple for me. I buy a lot of books that I've already read but fell in love with and absolutely need to own them. Most of these are series or books by my favorite authors. These include the Outlander series, the Harry Potter series (or anything by J.K. Rowling), Dan Brown books, the All Souls Trilogy, classic novels (ones I've read and haven't read), J.R.R. Tolkien books, the Song of Ice and Fire series, and a lot of Shakespeare.
  Those are books I usually have to buy new because I want them to be in pristine condition when I get them. However, there are many books that I buy from Half-Price Books. There are so many great books I've randomly found there by looking through the clearance section. I also peruse the history section every time just in case I come across a book on a subject that interests me. While there are a lot of books I want to buy new there are some I don't mind buying used and Half-Price is where I always go for these.

  If you think this sounds like too much thought to put into buying books just try being a bookworm. If I didn't have rules for buying books I would buy everything in sight (no, really, if I had the money I really would). I will only say this once but book collecting is not an obsession, it's a lifestyle. To collect books you have to be dedicated and you have to want books more than other things you could be buying.
  I'd ideally like to have enough money someday to be able to buy first editions and other special books. Nothing is better than an old book with history, and I love imagining who could have owned it before. While I'm writing this I'm thinking it's time for another trip to Half-Price with my best friend. We find the best books when we're there together. Well, I'm off to eat a snack. Have a great day everyone! Thanks for reading!
                                               Erin a.k.a. Bookworm

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Why Read Just One Book?

Hi guys,
  It's Wednesday, Happy Hump Day! I hope everyone is having a good week so far. My week is going well despite a few things that are upsetting me. After yesterday's post about the Voynich manuscript I'm  back to talking about books. To be exact, the subject of reading more than one book at once.
  I have been known to read multiple books at once almost all the time. I've been doing this since the third grade so it's nothing new. When I was in school I had to read multiple books at once because I usually had a book or two for class and a book or two at home for my own pleasure. If you think that sounds hard to deal with, you're wrong. I have a knack for remembering the plotline for each book I'm reading, and I have the ability to come back to a book months later and remember exactly where I left off.

  I'm not sure if this is a common talent among readers but I've never questioned my ability to read multiple books at once. All throughout school I had the excuse that I didn't just want to read books I was assigned but also books I chose for my own enjoyment. Right now I'm not in school so what's my excuse? Technically I have no real reason for still reading multiple books at once but I just can't help myself.
  I finally figured out the reason I continue to do this. I have this strong desire to read every book I can. If I could I would read every book at once. (If I had photographic memory maybe this would work). Not a day has gone by when I'm not thinking of the next book I want to read. I have at least 4 different to-read lists yet I still search for new books to read. It is most certainly an obsession, and one I'm not willing to give up.

  If I didn't have books to fill my time I'm sure I would find other things to do but it wouldn't be the same. Maybe that's another reason I continue to read multiple books at once. I can't imagine doing anything else with my free time. Now I'm off to go read 1 of the 3 books I'm currently reading, and who knows, maybe I'll even pick a 4th book to read.
  Have a great day everyone! Thanks for reading!
                                            Erin a.k.a. Bookworm

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Mysterious Voynich Manuscript

Hi guys,
  I hope you all had a great start to your week yesterday. I spent a lovely afternoon playing with my niece. I absolutely love seeing her imagination at work, the mind of a child is amazing. I also did some brainstorming to come up with new ideas for posts. I have some great posts planned for the rest of the week. 
  Recently I stumbled across a television show on the Travel Channel called Castle Secrets and Legends. I love history so I knew I would love learning the history of famous castles. I've visited a few castles in my life (Edinburgh Castle and Sterling Castle in Scotland) but that hasn't lessened my interest in them. 

  One of the castles mentioned is the Villa Mondragone in Italy. Now, Italy itelf has many beautiful castles. This castle is special because it's where the famous Voynich Manuscript was discovered. In 1912 book dealer Wilfrid Voynich stumbled across the manuscript while looking for books to add to his collection. He was known to have many books that no one had ever heard of so adding the mysterious manuscript to his collection made sense. 
  Voynich believed the manuscript must have been written in the 14th century by scientist Francis Bacon (I'm not completely sure about this so you may want to look it up). He also believed it held the secret to eternal life, or the formula for the philosopher's stone. Thanks to carbon dating it was discovered that the manusript dates to the 15th century, making it 600 years old. It may have been written in Northern Italy during the Italian Renassaince. 

  The manuscript is an illustrated codex that contains over 170,000 glyphs. It was written on vellum pages, some are missing but 240 remain. There are many theories as to what the manuscript actually contains. Here are a few of those theories: 

-A pharmacopeia of medieval or early modern medicine
-A record of a highly advanced civilization that remains undiscovered
-An account of a person's travels in a language created by the author
-It's a hoax (but really, who would go through all the trouble for just a hoax?)

  The manuscript has belonged to multiple people since its creation and disappeared for 200 years at one point. Today the manuscript is held at Yale University. If you're wondering why this is relevant I'll tell you. After years of the manuscript remaining completely untranslated an applied linguistics professor at the University of Bedfordshire has translated 10 words. Professor Stephen Bax has written a paper and filmed a video explaining his theories about the manuscript. If you want to know some of the translations watch the video here. Just to warn you, it's 47 minutes.  

  I'd like to think that the manuscript really does hold the secret of eternal life and that the reason for the unknown language is to keep the information from getting into the wrong hands. It's farfetched I know, but isn't it nice to dream about? My dream is to discover my own mysterious manuscript someday. 

  I know this post wasn't exactly about books but this was one story I just had to share with you guys. Have a great day everyone! Thanks for reading! 

                                        Erin a.k.a. Bookworm 

Monday, February 24, 2014

It's Monday!

Hi guys,
  It's Monday!
I hope you all had a great weekend. Today I'll be taking a break to work on some other writing, get some things done around the house and spend the afternoon with my niece. I have a great post planned for tomorrow though. Have a great day everyone!
                  Erin a.k.a. Bookworm

Friday, February 21, 2014

My Writing Method

Hey guys,
  It's Friday! I hope you all have fun plans for the weekend. I'm sure I'll find something fun to do with friends. I plan to do some writing as well since I have a short story to work on. Speaking of writing, I thought I would share a bit of my writing method with you all.
  I've been writing for years and I've never loved it more than I do now. In the past, I've written poetry, short stories, and diary entries. I still write diary entries when I'm feeling overwhelmed and need to get my thoughts down on paper. I don't write much poetry anymore but I want to start working on it again. I always have ideas for short stories floating around in my head and the hard part is turning my ideas into words that make sense.

   Since I've started writing my novel I pay even more attention to the way other authors write. I've been told I'm a good writer but I still second guess myself because I never think my writing is good enough. I constantly compare my writing to the works of great authors and find it lacking. I have to remember to tell myself that I'm still learning and I have plenty of time to hone my skills (I'm only 23 after all).
  Writing this blog every week day has been refreshing because I can share my thoughts about anything pertaining to books. It also forces me to write even when I don't want to because I feel an obligation to put something out there for my readers to enjoy. Recently, I started thinking about what my actual writing method is and I'm honestly not sure. I've read about a lot of authors who map out what they're going to write each day but I've also read about authors who simply write what they want when it comes to them. I think I'm more of the writer who writes what I want when it comes to me.

  If there's any method I have it's this: main plotline, characters, settings, scenes as they come into my mind, extra details, then I put it all together in the order I want. In other aspects of my life I'm extremely organized and it used to annoy me that I couldn't use that approach when writing. I've learned that it's not a bad thing to be disorganized when it comes to writing as long as I get the ideas out. I've never been one who can easily write about an assigned topic, unless it's a fairly broad topic. I feel more comfortable when I can choose my own topic and elaborate on it.
  Just to give you an idea here's a step-by-step list of how I write.

My Writing Method

-Brainstorming/thinking of an idea: my ideas usually come randomly. Sometimes they come from a life experience and other times from something I'm interested in like the Victoria Era or history in general.

-Coming up with a character/characters: I usually think of a female character first because I prefer a female main character. Then I come up with any other main characters along with the supporting characters. I also come up with descriptions for most of them at this point.

-Picking a setting: depending on the subject of my story I will choose different places for my stories to take place. Thanks to today's easy access to maps and history I can even choose a place I've never been to. I sometimes choose specific buildings or descriptions at this point.

-Basic plotline: these are the main plotlines without all of the extra details included. Basically, the beginning and end. Sometimes I know more details than other times and the middle can be included in this.

-Details: this could mean anything from the more specific plotlines to more descriptions about a character or settings. I start writing anything that comes to mind. My ideas are rarely in order, which takes a lot of pressure off me.

-Combining everything: this is the part where I combine all the sections I've written and put them into an order I like. It might not be the final decision but it makes the story as real as can be at that point.

-Editing: I put all the finishing touches on the story. I fix any grammar issues and make sure the story flows the way I want it to.

-Sharing the story: I finally let someone read the story ask for their opinion. This is not always the first time I let someone read it, sometimes I have someone read it while I'm writing it to give me extra ideas or keep me going in the right direction.

  Obviously, I have a different method for writing poetry and no method at all for diary entries. Regardless of what I'm writing I know the finished product will be good when I enjoy writing it. My writing is another reason I enjoy reading because if I can't tell the difference between good and bad writing then how I will I know if what I'm writing is any good. Now, I'm off go do some more writing and reading. Have a great weekend everyone! As always, thanks for reading!

                                              Erin a.k.a. Bookworm

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Books I Can't Wait to Read

Hey guys,
  I hope everyone's day is off to a great start. I'm having a great week and tomorrow I get to spend the day with my lovely niece.
  I realize I always talk about books I've read or books I want to read but today I want to talk about specific books I want to read. These are books that continue a series I've been reading or new books by an author I love. All of these books are supposed to be published sometime this year so I'm pretty excited to read them.

Books I Can't Wait For

-Written in My Own Heart's Blood by Diana Gabaldon: the 8th book in the Outlander series. It continues the story of Claire and Jamie and their families. Since I've been obsessing over this series I can hardly contain my excitement.

-The Vampires of Manhattan by Melissa de la Cruz: this is a sequel to the Blue Bloods series. It takes place some years after the events of the last Blue Bloods book but involves some of the same characters from the series as well as some new characters.

-The Ring and the Crown by Melissa de la Cruz: this is the first book in a new series. From the summary I gather that it's an alternate history of the royals of the Franco-British Empire and Prussia with magical elements.

-City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare: this is the 6th and final book in The Mortal Instruments series. I'm anxious to see how the story ends.

-The Iron Trial by Cassandra Clare: this is the first book in a new series called Magisterium. I'm not sure exactly what this is about but I will basically read anything by Cassandra Clare. The summary briefly explains the book is about 12-year-old Callum Hunt and magicians.

-The One by Kiera Cass: this is the 3rd book in The Selection trilogy. The trilogy is set in the future and could be described as the Hunger Games as a dating show. It's kind of like a futuristic version of The Bachelor.

-Dangerous Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl: this is the first book in a sequel series to the Beautiful Creatures series. Instead of focusing on Lena and Ethan this is about Link and Ridley in New York.

-Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor: this is the 3rd book in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone Trilogy. I would personally like if Karou and Akiva could be together (I'm sucker for romance and I hate when a couple is not together when they should be).

-Panic by Lauren Oliver: this is a new book by the author of the Pandemonium Trilogy (which I love). Oliver has written another original story about a town called Carp, that's in the middle of nowhere. The graduating high school seniors play a game called Panic. If it's anything like her other books I know I'll enjoy it.

  Of course this is just a very short list of books on my to-read list. My actual list is about 8 pages long (and that's just one of my lists). You should probably expect me to write a review about a few of these books in the future. Have a great day everyone! Thanks for reading!

                                             Erin a.k.a. Bookworm