Friday, February 7, 2014

Book to Movie Disappointments

Hey guys,
  Sorry for not posting yesterday. I had a lazy day besides going to the dentist. Since we're having extremely cold weather again I hope that you all are staying warm. I've planned a short post for you guys today but I have some great posts planned for next week.
  Have you ever watched a movie based on a book and been utterly disappointed? I'm sure this has happened to many people. I know that every time I watch a movie based on a book I could possibly be let down. It doesn't stop me from feeling terrible afterwards though. There are a few movies that really stick out in my mind that I can't stop thinking about, even years later. So here's a list of those movies (although there are many more I just can't think of right now.)

Books Turned Into Disappointing Movies

-Inkheart: based on the first book in the Inkheart Trilogy by Cornelia Funke. I loved this trilogy when I was younger and I still do but I wish I could forget the movie. I believe it starred Brendan Fraser (from The Mummy movies) but other than that it was so awful I can't remember anything else. Yes, the book is for middle school aged kids but the movie was terrible. Enough said.

-The Golden Compass: based on the first book in the His Dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman. I read the trilogy in middle school even though they should really be categorized as young adult books. The subject matter is pretty serious and complex but the movie seemed to "dumb it down." It felt more like a children's movie than a movie based on a book so well-written. Out of all the movies I'm mentioning today this is the one that irritates me the most. If you don't believe me, go read the book then try watching the movie. You'll understand.

-The Twilight Series: based on the series by Stephanie Meyer. I really don't think I need to say much more about these movies. I enjoyed the books but they were immediately tainted by the movies. With Kristen Stewart's lack of facial expressions and the sickly looking Robert Pattinson, these movies were ruined from the start. My advice, if you haven't seen them already make it a point not to watch them.

-The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones: based on the first book in The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare. I read these books as well as the prequel trilogy in record time and waited for the movie. The first time I watched it I thought it was good, not great, but good. The second time I watched it I started to see that it was lacking something. It feels a bit disjointed and seems to be missing some important plot points. It's not the worst book adaptation I've seen though. I can enjoy the movie in itself but if I hadn't read the book I think I would enjoy it even more.

-Vampire Academy: based on the first book in the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead. Now, I'm kind of cheating on this one because it was just released in theaters today. I've seen the previews and I'm disappointed to see that they've made it into a comedy when the books are quite serious. I can't judge too much since I haven't seen it but I know I won't be paying to see this in the theater.

  Like I said, this is just a few of the movies that have disappointed me. I know they won't be the last but it's really frustrating to see a great book turned into a mediocre movie. Anybody else feel the same way? Well, happy Friday everyone. Have a great weekend. Thanks for reading!

                                               Erin a.k.a. Bookworm

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