Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Bond, James Bond

Hey guys,
  I hope you're all having a great day so far. Temperatures are finally above freezing AND it's sunny! I'm going to enjoy the warmer weather while it lasts, because we all know this won't last. We still have more cold awful weather to deal with until spring gets here.
  Recently I began watching a miniseries about the author of the James Bond books. It's called Fleming: The Man Who Would Be Bond. Now, I've known for years that Ian Fleming is the author of the famous books that inspired the movies but I've never thought about reading them before. I began watching the movies when I was young. My brother and I spent hours watching them over and over again. Today, I've seen all of the movies multiple times and can name all of the men who have played Bond.

               Dominic Cooper as Ian Fleming

  The James Bond movies started my obsession with spies. While other kids were playing Power Rangers on the playground, my friends and I were playing Charlie's Angels (yeah, we're awesome). Growing up I can remember loving spy stuff. Besides James Bond I loved Charlie's Angels (the movies and the original show) and Harriet the Spy. I even carried around a notebook to make observations in so I could be like Harriet.

               Fleming: The Man Who Would Be Bond

  My best friend and I took things further than the playground and continued our spy adventures in my backyard. We made up a secret code and made our own spy gadgets. We even had our parents' old cell phones. Needless to say, we had a vivid imagination. You would think that after all these years my obsession with spies would lessen but it certainly hasn't. If anything, I love spy stuff more than ever.

  While watching the Fleming miniseries I've started thinking about why I haven't read any Bond books. I honestly don't know why I've never thought of reading them before. I read other books about spies, mostly historical fiction novels. Last year I added the Bond books to my list of books to read but I still haven't begun reading them. I even have a copy of the first book, "Casino Royale."I've finally set the book in my pile of soon to be read books and I fully plan on reading it as soon as possible. I also want to collect the rest of books.

  If you've never seen a Bond movie I highly recommend that you watch at least one. In case that doesn't interest you, try watching the Fleming miniseries. Before writing the books Fleming actually lived the life of spy so the Bond books and movies are fairly accurate when it comes to spy life. If you're more into books than movies try reading one of the Bond books. I have to say I'm quite excited to read an entire series about the famous James Bond. I'm sure I will write a review of "Casino Royale" in the near future.
  Have a great day everyone! Thanks for reading!
                                                    Erin a.k.a. Bookworm

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