I hope you're all having a great day. My morning started off great with some homemade banana chocolate chip muffins. (Yes, you should be jealous). Yesterday I spent some time brainstorming and came up with some great ideas for future posts so I hope you're all planning on continuing to read my blog.
As a bookworm I spend a lot of time at bookstores and libraries. I can tell you that there is no other place I feel more comfortable than when I'm surrounded my books. I'm in my element when there are books all around me. In case you were wondering I am that person who glares at someone when they're being too loud in the library. (You can probably imagine what kind of librarian I would be).
Other people walk into a bookstore or library and either know exactly what they're looking for or they walk around until they find something they like. I, on the other hand, have a strategy when I take a trip to the library or bookstore. Some of you might have your own strategies but I'd like to share mine with you. If you're the kind of person who wanders aimlessly through a bookstore or library you may want to borrow some of my strategies. Believe me, they make things much easier.
At the Library
1. I usually have books to return so I drop those off first.
2. I pull out my book list. Sometimes I have a few specific books on my list that I want to look for.
3. I start with browsing the new fiction. I search for books on my list and sometimes find an interesting book that's not on my list.
4. I continue on to the new teen fiction books. Again, I start with looking for books on my list and then any books that catch my eye.
5. This is where I either pick out some books from my list or walk through all the aisles of teen fiction and adult fiction. When I walk through all the aisles my trip can last up to an hour.
6. When I have all my books picked out I check to see if any of my books on hold have come in. (They keep them on a cart in alphabetical order).
7. I check out my books. I usually use self check-out but sometimes I prefer to have a librarian check them out for me. Most of the librarians know me so it's nice to see how they're doing and take the time for a little book talk.
8. I put my books into my special book bag. (It's an old bag from Walden Books that says "A book is good company.")
9. When I get home I pull out all of my books and decide which order I will read them in. I also cross off any books I've gotten from my list.
10. I begin reading!
*A word of advice: If you don't have a library card, go get one! They're FREE.
At the Bookstore
1. I do things a little differently at the bookstore but I begin the same way by looking at the new fiction.
2. I look at the new teen fiction books. I don't usually have my list with me at the bookstore but I have most of it memorized so I can see if any books have recently been published.
3. I look at the adult fiction.
4. I look at the clearance/bargain section. You never know what you might find.
5. I don't actually buy many books unless I feel the absolute need to own them so I usually take pictures with my phone of books I want to add to my list.
6. I buy a book. When I look for a specific book to buy I tell myself I'll just get the book and leave but we all know that's not how it works for bookworms.
7. I walk out with a satisfied smile on my face knowing I have a new book to add to my collection.
8. If the book store is a Half-Price Bookstore then my strategy is a bit different. I check the new books first, then the graphic novels. I walk through the fiction aisles and the clearance section. I check the teen fiction and lastly, I check the history section (I love it). I rarely look at movies or music.
9. When I go into a Half-Price to look for a specific book I ALWAYS look at everything else.
10. I go home with at 1 or 2 books every time. I've lost count of how many books I've bought from Half-Price and I'm sure the employees are sick of seeing me by now (Well, they might be).

If that seems like too much work to you then you're probably not a bookworm. Or you're just not as obsessive as me. Maybe you learned something about shopping for books or taking a trip to the library. I have an exciting post planned for tomorrow so I'll hope you'll all read it. Thanks for reading!
Erin a.k.a. Bookworm
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