Thursday, March 7, 2013

Guilty Pleasure Reads

Hey guys,
 So I've been reading a lot of my guilty pleasure books lately. Mainly because I've been feeling kind of down during the winter and I needed some happy books to cheer me up. I don't normally read very many happy books, I'm not sure why but I guess I prefer sad books. I'm not the kind of person who reads uplifting, inspirational books to cheer me up so I turn to girly teen books and "typical" female books. Most of the time I'm reading historical fiction or fantasy, books with complicated, unpredictable plots. The reason I indulge in my guilty pleasure books is because sometimes I just want a predictable plot with a guaranteed happy ending; books I don't have to think about. I call it "light reading." Here are some of my guilty pleasure books, and no, I'm not ashamed by my reading choices.

Teen Books
-Blue Bloods series by Melissa de la Cruz: I tend to stay away from teen books about vampires but this series combines vampires with history. The vampires aren't just blood-sucking creatures but the upper class of Manhattan and fallen angels. They're books filled with romance and action but with easy plot lines.

-Witches of East End series by Melissa de la Cruz: This series is technically an adult series but since it's by the same author as Blue Bloods I put them together. These are about a family of witches that first showed up in a few of the Blue Bloods books. They also combine romance with action but instead of fallen angels, the witches are fallen Valkyrie.

-Pretty Little Liars series and The Lying Game series by Sara Shepard: Since I've mentioned these in a past post I won't go into too much detail. While the TV shows may be more complicated these books are all about an easy read for teens. There's romance, murder and lots of drama.

-Sarah Dessen books: Her books have been around since 1996 but I didn't start reading them until the end of middle school. I own all of them and I'm waiting for her next book, which is coming out in June. Two of her books were actually combined as one story for the movie How To Deal in 2003 (with Mandy Moore). These are typical teen girl books.

Adult Books
-He's Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo-This is pretty much a self-help book but it's so entertaining I had to buy it. It's based on the episode "Pick-A-Little, Talk-A-Little" of Sex and the City and it was adapted into a movie in 2009. I'm not sure all of the advice is helpful but it's a fun read.

-Candace Bushnell books: Bushnell is the author of Sex and the City, the book that inspired the TV show. She's written many other books for women including Lipstick Jungle and One Fifth Avenue. She also writes the teen series The Carrie Diaries. I'm a fan of Sex and the City so I think that sums up why I like her books.

-Chelsea Handler books: Chelsea Handler is my favorite female comedian and I've read and own all her books. I even watch her show, Chelsea Lately, on the Entertainment Network. Her books are nothing more than an entertaining, comedic read.

-Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James: What, you didn't think I would leave these out, did you? The popular trilogy is probably a guilty pleasure for many women and I'm among them. I don't think I need to say anything else about these books since they are so well-known.

I'm not sure my guilty pleasure books are the same as everyone else's but I sure enjoy them. Let me know what your guilty pleasure books are. Hope you enjoyed reading today's post.
Thanks for reading,
                  Erin a.k.a. Bookworm

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