Hey guys,
Sorry for the delay in posts. I've been exhausted from not sleeping (insomnia) but I finally had two good nights of sleep in a row.
So for today I'd like to share some thoughts about the different genres of books. I read books from many genres and I've found myself thinking about the difference between them. Here's some info on each of the genres I read from. If you don't see one of your favorite genres let me know and I'll add a second post with those.
Adult Fiction/Teen Fiction: Most people have read more from this genre than anything else. I say adult and teen fiction because they're separate genres to me. Fiction is completely different than fantasy to me because I see fiction as books that could possibly be true. Not all fiction books, but a lot of them are just about regular people. Teen fiction is usually grouped together so a lot of those books could be considered fantasy also. (Adult Fiction Ex: Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy, yes I read them. Teen Fiction Ex: Harry Potter series, The Mortal Instruments, Pretty Little Liars)

Non-Fiction: I have to say I don't read much non-fiction but there are a few books I make exceptions for. Although they're not your typical non-fiction books I own a couple encyclopedias I enjoy: The Dictionary of Imaginary Places, The Dictionary of Literary Characters, and The Encyclopedia of Classical Mythology. I also enjoy books about Henry VIII and his six wives but my favorites are any of the comedian Chelsea Handler's books. (ex: The Six Wives of Henry VIII, He's Just Not That Into You)
Historical Fiction: I didn't used to enjoy this genre but as I've grown up I read more and more books from this genre. My favorite historical fiction books are about historical female characters or finding historical objects. I've somehow become someone who loves history because of these books. So much so that I wish there was a time machine so I could see history for myself. (Ex: Dan Brown books, Philippa Gregory books, The Historian, All Souls Trilogy)
Science Fiction: I'm as geeky as the next person, so of course I like some science fiction. I'm a huge fan of H.G. Wells novels and Star Wars books. I'm also drawn to post-apocalyptic or utopian society stories. (Ex: H.G. Wells novels, Star Wars books, Star Trek books, Frankenstein)
Steampunk: Some of you might not have heard of this genre. It's different than science fiction because it usually depicts the Victorian era with advanced technology. Dictionary.com defines Steampunk as a subgenre of science fiction and fantasy featuring advanced machines and other technology based on steam power of the 19th century and taking place in a recognizable historical period or a fantasy world. For an introduction to Steampunk check out the book Steampunk! An Anthology of Fantastically Rich and Strange Stories by Kelly Link.
(Ex: Iron Codex series, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, His Dark Materials Trilogy, Infernal Devices series)
Fantasy: I've always loved fantasy novels for the simple fact that they conjure up an entire magical world in my head. Everyone needs a chance to get completely out of their own world for a while. (Ex: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Chronicles of Narnia, A Song of Ice and Fire series)
Classics: I consider classic novels to be a separate genre just because they stand out in my mind. We're always forced to read them in school but when reading them on your own you can develop a better appreciation for them. Personally I love anything by Shakespeare and Jane Austen. The authors of these books are some of the most well-known in history. (Ex: Charles Dickens, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Charlotte Bronte, and Bram Stocker)
I hope you enjoyed reading. Now go find which genre works for you, or pick a couple.
Erin a.k.a Bookworm